La Guerre
The War

18-04-2002 "La phase militaire du conflit est considérée comme terminée." - V. Poutine. Alors que 21 policiers pro-russes sont tués par une mine à Grozny. AP
Putin says "The military phase of the conflict is closed" - but says nothing about how the political phase will be resolved.
04-04-2002 Kremlin seeks new Chechen plan. Moscow
01-04-2002 Russian troops get new rules for conducting cleansing operations. The Moscow Times
New Rules, New Violations. Chechnya Weekly
mars 2002 La Russie s'enlise en Tchétchénie. Le Monde Diplomatique
27-03-2002 Russian troops in Chechnya revolt. The Telegraph
A "rebellion" brews in the ranks of elite MVD forces. The Jamestown Foundation
17-03-2002 Russian Defector Says Army Killed Civilians in Chechnya. NY Times
13-03-2002 Russian troops are reluctant to serve in Chechnya. AFP
11-03-2002 Les soldats russes sèment le désordre à Grozny. AFP
10-03-2002 The Russian Army intensifies the war. Reuters
24-02-2002 Le Kremlin relance la traque autour du président tchétchène. Sophie Shihab, Le Monde
24-02-2002 Moscou veut étendre sa guerre "antiterroriste" à la Géorgie. Natalie Nougayrède, Le Monde
18-02-2002 Chechen agony endures despite "end" of war. The Financial Times
08-02-2002 140 000 plaintes de soldats russes contre leurs supérieurs en 2001. Le Monde
06-02-2002 Deserters go on a shooting Spree. (What's wrong with the Russian army.) Izvestia
27-01-2002 La Russie perd deux généraux en Tchétchénie. AFP
18-01-2002 Lourdes pertes russes en Tchétchénie. AFP
12-01-2002 Chechnya: A Forgotten Tragedy? Neue Zürcher Zeitung
12-01-2002 Russia launches new attacks in Chechnya. AP
10-01-2002 Ruthlessness is No Solution. - Pavel Felgenhauer
06-12-2001 Moscou annonce une offensive d'hiver en Tchétchénie. Reuters
12-09-2001 "Russian Army Will Never Leave Chechnya".
11-09-2001 Interview with Anna Politkovskaya. "The authorities do not want to stop the war... The whole mechanism benefits from it."
07-09-2001 Poutine met en doute une reconstruction rapide de la Tchétchénie. Des négociations... après la "reddition complète et inconditionnelle de tous les combattants."
13-08-2001 Russian Army deserter tells of faking Chechen attack on Russian outpost. The Independent (UK)
06-08-2001 Five years ago today, the Chechens took back Grozny. It was the beginning of the end of the last war. Today, the conflict drags on, for the Russians have no will to seek a political solution. RFE/RL
27-07-2001 Russia seems unable to win the war and unwilling to stop it. The Washington Post
25-06-2001 Grozny experiences Peace in name only.
21-06-2001 Hopes evaporate for an end to the war.
04-06-2001 Russia to pour reinforcements into Chechnya. AFP
15-05-2001 Grozny is still a battlefield. AP.
09-05-2001 Fighting esclates: Fierce battle for Argun. The Scotsman
09-05-2001 "Chechnya conflict likely to escalate" - Forum on Early Warning and Early Response.
05-05-2001 L'administration pro-russe évacue Grozny pour "raisons de sécurité".
03-05-2001 Chechens ready to rise against a brutal oppressor. The Independent
30-04-2001 While Moscow perceives an end to the war, the fighting continues unabated. RFE/RL
27-04-2001 Russian solders unhappy with conditions (Novaya Gazeta). Contract soldiers leaving en masse (RFE/RL)
23-04-2001 Chechnya's endless war. BBC

Putin implies that he War will be long. AFP

26-12-2000 L'armée russe s'enlise dans le bourbier tchétchène. Libération
22-09-2000 Bespredl : War Has No Rules for Russian Forces. Los Angeles Times
September 2000 Hell at unit N (from "War begins in the barracks"). Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of St-Petersburg
27-3-2000 Violations of soldiers' rights. Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of St-Petersburg
Février 2000 Letter from an anonymous Russian Soldier. Le Monde